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New online casino scams

Online casinos are now accessible from laptops, tablets and even smartphones, making it much easier to continue playing at any time of the day or night, no matter where you are in the world, as long as you have a decent internet connection. However, while convenience and the promise of great bonuses have made online casino platforms increasingly popular, there is one unfortunate drawback that often worries both players and online gambling operators: scams of all kinds. Here are some tips on how to avoid them and enjoy a safe gaming experience.

First of all: know that not everything that is published on the net or printed on paper is true. On the contrary. “How to earn 500 euros a day without moving from home” or “How to lose 20 kg in two days” … You’ve probably already read this type of article, and perhaps you’ve even succumbed to the tempting promises of these gurus (it’s happened to us all at least once).

Nowadays, these practices are common to attract naive or particularly vulnerable customers to online casino sites or stock market sites or to sell singularly expensive and ineffective diet products. As far as online casinos are concerned, the scams go both ways – the casino scams the player and vice versa. Fortunately, the legislation of online casinos is now much more secure, and by choosing only officially licensed gaming platforms or by using serious and reliable online casino portals you have already escaped the major dangers that the online gambler can face.

What are the most common online casino scams?

It is best to know what to expect to avoid online casino platform scams. The problem is that there are plenty of unscrupulous cybercriminals and operators out there, which makes the definition of these scams particularly broad. That being said, any fraudulent activity on a real money online gambling site will fall into this category.

For example, there are fraudulent casino sites that claim to be genuine online casinos with fake certifications and licenses issued by reputable authorities. Players who sign up and play for real money at these sites are susceptible to deception in many ways.

To begin with, the games (among which poker, roulette and blackjack are the most famous) may be set up so that players have no chance of winning. This is not only a source of frustration but also an effective way of depositing their deposits. The casino will usually insist that the player was on the verge of a big win, thus making them want to bet again in the hope of an elusive win that doesn’t even exist!

There are also online gambling platforms that steal their users’ credit card numbers. But also, and more widely, their banking information and personal data. Some platforms are nothing more and nothing less than phishing sites designed to look like a reputable casino that the player is most often used to. As soon as the player tries to log in to their favourite online casino by mistaking the replica for the real thing, their login information will be compromised immediately.